Original One-Woman Shows
“Laughing Zendo”
Koan (Pronouced Ko-ON): “In Zen..
A phrase or teaching on Zen realization. to be solved to reach enlightenment…”
A One Woman show performed via zoom in November, 2020. Original sketch comedy centered around the practice of Zen Meditation… But, you know, hilarious….
It’s a mystery to enjoy... all or selected clips. So Enjoy!
I.T. and engineering magic by Jonathan Wells.
Lighting and stage direction magic by Tucker Wells
“Laughing Zendo” Selected Clips
Special Thanks to Mary and Martha’s Place. For more information about Mary and Martha’s, click the link Below.
“She Who Laughs”
What was created as the live-entertainment for a fundraiser, a wild standing ovation inspired Janet to “play on”… She expanded and performed the show at the Basement Theatre in Atlanta and the Loretto-Hilton Center in St. Louis, MO. The sketches and songs are funny, and having audience members do improv with her on the spot is even funny-er! View the entire show or select clips.
“She Who Laughs” Selected Clips
Theater Companies